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A Brief Overview of Natural Dye - Indigo Dye

A Brief Overview of Natural Dye - Indigo Dye

Since Olderbest's founding, we've been exploring various topics to introduce in this column. We hope this journal will serve as a supplement to the products we choose and an interesting piece for our viewers.

Let's get a quick insight of indigo dyes.
The first discovery of indigo-dyed fabric dates back to Peru, around 6000 years ago. The ancient art of natural dyeing, particularly with indigo, has its roots in China and Africa, with China being renowned for its exceptional techniques.
Due to the shortage of natural materials, most of today's indigo dye is synthetic. Several brands are recognized for their commitment to natural dye products, such as Blue Blue Japan, Buaisou, Aizome Bedding, and Mud Jeans. Well in our own journey, we introduced Time Catcher's Indigo Dye Collection late last year.



Unlike chemical dyes, which produce a single tone, the natural dyeing technique reveals a rich spectrum of colors. From delightful blues to cloudy grays, each plant imparts a unique hue that chemical dyes can't replicate. This characteristic lends itself to personalization, changing with wear to create a unique appearance. The process, from plant picking to creating the dye, is time-consuming. The final color is influenced by the specific parts of the plants chosen for the dye. Each dyeing process requires multiple water rinses until the color becomes solid and rich.



For your indigo-dyed clothes, hand wash them gently and separately with a bleach-free neutral detergent. The water may turn light blue during the initial wash due to residual dye, which is normal. Avoid tumble drying and be mindful of slight color transfer due to friction when wearing. I have to mention that the color will transfer to light-colored garments, and can be removed with another wash. Remember to avoid pairing with light-colored leather accessories, as color transfer to leather is harder to clean.



Explore the collection of indigo-dyed clothing here to experience the richness of natural dyes firsthand.

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