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Customer Care

Olderbest Assure+ Service

To make sure you get the perfect fit and feel for your high-value items, we’ve introduced the free Assure+ Service.

This service is all about giving you peace of mind—ensuring the product you’ve chosen is exactly right for you, making your purchase truly worth it. Once you place your order, you can relax knowing we’re taking extra steps to deliver a piece picked and checked just for you. Browse All Assured Products

As soon as we receive your order, our team gets to work selecting the item on your list and carefully inspecting it in every possible way:  

- Re-measuring sizes: Inner measurements like chest, sleeves, hems, and more.  

- Checking item condition: Full structural check, construction details, sewing lines, fabric quality—everything.

We’ll provide you with a full report, including videos, photos, and all measurement results.

With our complimentary Assure+ service, your purchase leads to a piece that’s not just good, but perfect—crafted and selected with care, just for you.